Friday, April 11, 2008

Denver Museum January 2008

These pictures are from the Denver Museum of Natural History. We saw paleontologists unveil bones from a dino dig (very cool) along with several replica's of dinosaurs. We got to watch an Imax movie about the Living Sea. It was the first time the kids have seen an Imax and they were quite impressed! The museum was so large they even had a mummy exhibit and lots of hands on activities. We spent the majority of the day exploring all the cool displays....see kids..told you learning can be fun!

Christmas 2007

Christmas this year was at home in Colorado Springs, CO. We had a great time relaxing and enjoying the kids. The boys had fun playing with all of their gifts from Santa, friends and family! Hope yours was Merry too!!

6 Year Old Birthday Bash

Happy 6th Birthday


Jack & Jake

December 17, 2007

Briargate YMCA

Ninja's, Police, Luke Skywalker & A Monk....OH MY

Happy Halloween!! Here are a few pictures of the house decorated for Fall and Halloween and the gang in all their glory. We are just starting to get our first snow and it was VERY cold that night! Yet candy will prevail, and they all braved the elements for awhile to beg for loot...can you blame them...I'd do almost anything for chocolate at times also!

SO WHAT IF IT'S BEEN 6 MONTHS.......!!! I am slow. I never said I was a prompt. Have I ever been catching "you know what " for not keeping up. So I decided to sit down and post some favorite pictures. School day, schools days, GOD How I love school days!! These pictures are of the 1st day of school. Jack and Jake are going to be in Kindergarten (Mrs. Molina & Coleman) and Jayce is in 2nd grade, Mrs. Esch's class. Prairie Hills Elementary School is a really great neighborhood school. Do you think Jack & Jake were tired of me snapping little memories? My kids love going to school there and I have been working there as a Paraprofessional in the Severe Special Needs Department since November. My life has changed so much since I started working there. I have been offered a full scholarship to attend University of Colorado at Colorado Springs through our school district to become a teacher. Now if only we could stay here long enough for me to complete schooling!!...such is military life : ( . The only person that has the answer to that one is God...and he's not telling me yet!

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Every mother dreams of her kids being some sort of professional one day. A plastic surgeon-(free body upgrade), dentist-(free whitening & work), veterinarian- (much needed free vet care), you get the picture. But at the unlicensed , unschooled age of 5 & 7 ?? While unpacking the basement today..yes we are still unpacking, I arrive downstairs to the shrieks and sounds of "Be still Jake..this won't hurt I am an expert at this." "I've pulled at least 6 of my own." "There won't be any blood...I mean only a little." I don't think he has lost 6 yet. But anyway, Jake was laying down across Jack's play kitchen and a box with Jayce and Jack hovering over him wiggling away at his lower tooth which I didn't even know was loose. Jayce has a T-rex dinosaur headlight on shining the beam in Jake's mouth and Jack is assisting. I listened closely while laughing as quietly as possible and this scene played out for about 30 minutes when I gave up on the Triple J Dentistry and went upstairs to make lunch. Suddenly they were all running upstairs with a great victory cry and a very small tooth and a cute little gap in Jake's mouth. Jayce has promised to cut Jack a deal on his teeth on 2 conditions.

1. The tooth is already loose......ya think???

2. Jack promises not to bite Jayce when he pulls it. I think you have to sign this agreement in blood at any dentists office anyway.

Jake is so excited and can't wait for the "toof" fairy to arrive tonight. Now I have to locate a couple of $$$'s for the Tooth Fairy. I don't think her magic wand works at ATM's ...whatta ya do and that's straight outta the mouth of babes. Jill

Marvelous Muddy Mess

This is my first attempt at blogging..we will see how it goes. I totally know what your thinking....AAAHHHH! YUCK!!! These pictures are in our backyard at Grand Forks AFB, ND. Even though they are older pictures, I think they still deserve the front page spot. The boys were having a great time getting muddy ...and yes all the mud came out of their clothes! When Jay got home from work he put his shorts on and jumped right in their with them. I guess if you can't stop 'em , join 'em. Now you can see why my life with 3 or (4) boys is so crazy! I hope to use this site to keep in touch with family and friends so we can share some of our great memories.