Sunday, September 2, 2007


Every mother dreams of her kids being some sort of professional one day. A plastic surgeon-(free body upgrade), dentist-(free whitening & work), veterinarian- (much needed free vet care), you get the picture. But at the unlicensed , unschooled age of 5 & 7 ?? While unpacking the basement today..yes we are still unpacking, I arrive downstairs to the shrieks and sounds of "Be still Jake..this won't hurt I am an expert at this." "I've pulled at least 6 of my own." "There won't be any blood...I mean only a little." I don't think he has lost 6 yet. But anyway, Jake was laying down across Jack's play kitchen and a box with Jayce and Jack hovering over him wiggling away at his lower tooth which I didn't even know was loose. Jayce has a T-rex dinosaur headlight on shining the beam in Jake's mouth and Jack is assisting. I listened closely while laughing as quietly as possible and this scene played out for about 30 minutes when I gave up on the Triple J Dentistry and went upstairs to make lunch. Suddenly they were all running upstairs with a great victory cry and a very small tooth and a cute little gap in Jake's mouth. Jayce has promised to cut Jack a deal on his teeth on 2 conditions.

1. The tooth is already loose......ya think???

2. Jack promises not to bite Jayce when he pulls it. I think you have to sign this agreement in blood at any dentists office anyway.

Jake is so excited and can't wait for the "toof" fairy to arrive tonight. Now I have to locate a couple of $$$'s for the Tooth Fairy. I don't think her magic wand works at ATM's ...whatta ya do and that's straight outta the mouth of babes. Jill


KPrince said...

That is too hilarious! Love it!! I can't wait to be there...and hopefully see you guys soon!!


kaylynnr said...

Hi Jill,
I came across your blog through a friends. Great to see you guys. The boys looked so cute playing dentist. I have another patient for them, Brett has a tooth that just doesn't want to come out. We could use their help! I started a blog too, if interested our blog is
Take care.
Kay R